michael 'mick' gallagher. 5th february 1957 - 3rd september 2010
It is with deep regret that we announce the sudden death of Michael Gallagher.
Mick and I knew each other for over 30 years and throughout our time together he provided us with his full technical support, experience and knowledge. In addition to these remarkable skills Mick designed several lighting fittings that have become, and a range of Led lighting fittings that will become, international legends in the architectural and display lighting specification market.
Mick, with his dry sense of humour and his wry smile, will be missed by his friends and family but I am sure that he would not have wanted us to dwell too much on his departure from planet earth.
We believe that he would want us all to be positive, be fair, be generous and to do our very best to help to eradicate injustice in the World.
Although he has departed Mick will live in our memories, in our thoughts, in our hearts and in our minds for ever.

James Wadsworth.

june 2010 - some are more obvious than others
We believe that there are many ways that sustainability and a reduction in carbon emissions can be achieved in today’s world with lighting.Using low energy light sources saves power and can reduce maintenance but....…..take these two photos for example.

“whilst staying in a hotel with my family, during a recent visit to Alton Towers, I found myself in the Bar accompanied with a large Jack n’ Coke. As I sat there contemplating life and feeling a bit like "Jimmy no mates" I noticed the lighting in the bar area had been well designed but suffered from the Lighting Designers eternal dilemma, when the electrician becomes responsible for maintaining the installation.
After a quick word with the Bar Tender I was introduced to the Manager. Risking being labelled as a “weirdo” I pointed out the lack of focus with “splobs” of light on the digital table display, the walls and the artwork. [Strange the way in which everyone knows exactly when the lighting is really bad]. I found myself offering to re-focus the low voltage downlighters, when the Bar was clear of guests, and the second photograph speaks for itself.”
